英语笑话 | 他说我公务以外的活动太多了


Edith and Norbert had a knock-down battle over his inability to earn a better living.

She told him he wasn’t forceful enough in asking the boss for a raise.

“Tell him,”she yelled,“ that you have seven children. You also have a sick mother, you have to sit up many nights, and you have to clean the house because you can’t afford a maid.”
“告诉他,”她大声叫道,“你有7 个孩子。同时,你还有个生病的母亲,你不得不熬好多夜,而且不得不清理房子,因为你雇不起保姆。”

Several days later, Norbert came home from work, stood before his wife and calmly announced that the boss had fired him.

“Why?” asked Edith.

“He says I have too many outside activities.”