
Expedite 是本周《经济学人》(2025年1月11日刊)标题为“How far will Donald Trump go to get rid of illegal immigrants?”一文中出现的一个单词:
He duly issued a flurry of executive orders on immigration within weeks of taking office in 2017, including a ban on visas for applicants from various largely Muslim countries and instructions to federal agencies to expedite the construction of the border wall and to detain more illegal immigrants.
从拼写上来看, expedite 是一个与单词 extradite (引渡)较为形似且容易相混淆的单词,两者可以一并联想记忆。
如果再细看一下的话,不难发现 expedite 与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 pedestrian 一样,中间还有 ped (脚)这么一个词根。那么 expedite 与“脚”又有什么渊源呢?
其实从词源上来看, expedite 一词源自于拉丁语 expedire (本义指“把脚从脚链中解放出来”,引申指“解脱、脱离、解放;获得、准备、整理、使适合;解释、使清楚”)并经其过去分词 expeditus 进入英语,则是用来表示“加快、加速、促进”或“迅速执行、迅速完成”,常作正式用语使用,多意味着如移除脚链的束缚那般通过消除障碍而使某个行动或过程更快地发生或完成。比如:
- 迅速完成你的本职工作
expedite your duties - 需要采取断然措施来加快这一进程。
Drastic action needs to be taken to expedite the process. - 州土地管理局可以加快该地块的拍卖。
The state land agency could expedite an auction for the site.
好了,关于 expedite 今天就讲到这里。最后送各位一句出自法国资产阶级革命时期外交家、政治家夏尔·莫里斯·德·塔列朗-佩里戈尔(Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord)的名言共勉:
The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence.