英语笑话 | 一个耐心的女人


A man in the grocery store notices a woman with a three-year-old girl in her cart.

As they pass the cookie section, the little girl screams for cookies. The mother says, “Now Missy, we only have a few more aisles to go—don’t throw a fit. It won’t be long.”
当他们经过饼干区时,小女孩尖叫着要饼干。 母亲说:“米西,我们只剩下几条通道了——别发脾气。 不会很久的。”

In the candy aisle, the little girl whines for candy. The mother says, “There, there, Missy, don’t cry. Two more aisles, and we’ll be checking out.”
在糖果通道上,小女孩呜咽着要糖果。 母亲说:“好了,好了,米西,不要哭。 还有两个过道,我们就可以结账出去了。”

When they get to the checkout stand, the little girl howls for gum. The mother says, reassuringly, “Missy, we’ll be done in five minutes, and then you can go home and have a bottle and a nice snooze.”
当他们到达收银台时,小女孩嚎叫着要口香糖。 母亲安慰地说:“米西,我们五分钟后就搞定了,然后你可以回家喝一瓶,好好打个盹儿。”

In the parking lot, the man stops the woman to compliment her. “I couldn’t help noticing how patient you were with little Missy,” he says.
在停车场,男人拦住女人夸她。 “我忍不住注意到你对小米西是多么的耐心,”他说。

The mother sighs, “Oh, no—my little girl’s name is Francine. I’m Missy.”
母亲叹了口气,说:“哦,不——我小女儿的名字是弗朗辛。 我是米西。”