熟词僻义 | draft 是一种怎样的风?




说起draft,最为熟悉的含义一般是“草稿、草图、草案等”,或者作动词表示“起草、草拟、绘制等”。比如初稿可以说“first draft”,定稿可以说“final draft”,协议草案可以说“a draft agreement”,还在草案阶段可以说“be still in draft form”。

美国著名记者艾伦·巴斯(Alan Barth)就有这样一句经典名言:

News is only the first rough draft of history.

除了“草稿”这个含义以外,draft在美式英语中还常用于表示“征募、征召入伍、迫使或劝使某人成为候选人等”,等同于英式英语中的“conscript”。比如应征服兵役可以说“be drafted into military service”,要主席竞选连任可以说“draft the Chairman for a second run”。

熟词僻义 | draft 是一种怎样的风?

“征募”这个含义可能对于不少小伙伴而言也是一个僻义了,但要理解也不难,因为draft本身就有个基本含义表示“挑选、抽调、派遣”。比如暴乱之后抽调警力到该市可以说“draft police into the city after the violence”。再比如一年一度的NBA选秀(NBA Draft):

熟词僻义 | draft 是一种怎样的风?


不过,今天要讲的僻义就远比“征募”这个含义要生僻得多。不妨来看看William Donohue所著的The Best Joke Book (Period)一书里出现的一个关于医生与病人的笑话:

A man visits the doctor because he’s suffering from a miserable winter cold. His doctor prescribes(开药) some antibiotics(抗生素), but they don’t help. On his next visit, the doctor gives the man a shot, but it doesn’t do any good. On his third visit, the doctor tells the man to go home and take a steaming hot bath. As soon as he gets out of the bath, he should open all of the windows in his house and stand naked in the draft.

“But doctor,” the man protests, “if I do that, I’ll probably get pneumonia(肺炎).”

“I know,” says the doctor. “But at least I know how to cure pneumonia.”



除了上述以外,draft还有两个含义值得注意。一个是在财会方面,draft指的是“汇票”。另一个是draft还可以表示“相当大的要求”或“相当大的消耗”,比如对某人友谊的渴求可以说“a draft on somebody's friendship”。


The purpose of the first draft is not to get it right, but to get it written.
― John Dufresne