英语笑话 | 你要是能抓住我,你就可以拥有我


“I’m so depressed and I can’t get any dates,” the 300-pound man told his minister. “I’ve tried everything to lose weight.”

“I think I can help,” said the minister. “Be dressed and ready to go tomorrow at 8 a.m.”
“我想我能帮得上忙,”牧师说,“穿好衣服,明天早上8 点准备好。”

Next morning, a beautiful woman in a skintight exercise suit knocked on the man’s door.

“If you can catch me, you can have me,” she said, as she took off. He huffed and puffed after her.

This route went on every day for the next five months. The man lost 115 pounds and felt confident that he would catch the woman the next day.
在接下来的5 个月中,每天都这样跑着。这个人减掉了115 磅,感到有信心在第二天抓住那个女人了。

That morning he whipped open his front door and found a 300-pound woman in a jogging suit waiting for him.
第二天早上,他呼地打开前门,发现一个穿着慢跑运动服、体重300 磅的女人在等着他。

“The minister said to tell you,” she began, “that if I can catch you, I can have you.”