


Covid has reset relations between people and robots

Machines will do the nasty jobs; human beings the nice ones

  • nasty 极差的、令人厌恶的、令人不悦的

Robots have been around for six decades or so. Originally, they were simple devices which did as they were told, working on assembly lines in, well, a robotic manner. They were often kept in cages, like zoo animals, to stop people getting too close. And for similar reasons. They were dangerous. If a mere human being got in the way of a swinging robotic arm, so much the worse for the human.

  • assembly 装配、组装、总成

Since then, they have got vastly more dexterous, mobile and autonomous. They are also more collaborative. There are now over 3m robots working in factories across the planet, according to the International Federation of Robotics, a worldwide industry association. Millions more move goods around warehouses, clean homes, mow lawns and help surgeons conduct operations. Some have also begun delivering goods, both on land and by air.
后来,机器人变得灵巧、机动和自主多了。它们也变得更会合作。根据世界性行业协会国际机器人联合会(International Federation of Robotics)的数据,全球现在有超过300万台机器人在工厂工作。还有数百万台机器人在仓库搬运货物、打扫房屋、修剪草坪、协助外科医生做手术。有些机器人还开始运输货物,有陆运也有空运。