英语笑话 | 我和一只猫还有个约会呢


Three mice walked into a pub.

The first mouse bragged. “When I see a mousetrap, I set it off, and when the bar comes down, I catch it in my teeth, bench-press it 20 times to work up an appetite and then make off with the cheese.”
第一只老鼠吹嘘说:“我看到捕鼠器时,就把它弄开。而当铁栅栏落下时,我就用牙咬住它,上下推举20 次,以此来激发我的食欲,然后带着里面的奶酪溜之大吉。”

The second mouse bragged, “Yeah, well, when I see rat poison, I grind it up and add it to my coffee to build up my strength.”

The third mouse said, “Can’t stay long. I’ve got a date with a cat.”