英语笑话 | 那是我尝试前的价码


A guy comes into the circus office and says, “I can climb up the center tent pole, dive off with no tent, land on my head in the middle of the ring, stand up and take a bow—all for $200.”
一个人走进马戏团办公室说:“我可以爬到中场帐篷的杆上,然后能头朝下在赛马场中央落地,站起来,鞠躬——全部费用是200 美元。”

“I don’t know,” says the ringmaster, “I’d have to see it first.”

So the guy climbs up, jumps, lands on his head, stands up and bows.

“Okay!” shouts the ringmaster. “You’re hired for $200.”

“Not $200,” says the guy, “$500!”
“不是200 美元,”那人说,“是500美元。”

“I thought you just said $200,” complains the ringmaster.

The guy says, “That was before I tried it.”