英语习语 | by accident or design


(whether) by accident or design

在处理问题的时候,我们常常需要把事情的缘起弄清楚,包括弄清楚事情的产生是有意造成的还是无意造成的。无意之间不小心产生的就算了,但是刻意为之就要解决到底,不给人再次发生的机会。但也有的时候,对于有些问题,特别是一些原则性的问题,那就不论有意无意都得一视同仁。这种不论出于无意还是有意的概念就可以用英语习语“(whether) by accident or design”来表达,比如:

  • 碰巧——不知是偶然还是有意安排——其他人走后,只剩下了他们两个人。
    It happened ─ whether by accident or design ─ that the two of them were left alone after all the others had gone.
  • 她刚好在我们正要离开时到达,但我不能肯定这是出于偶然还是有意安排。
    She arrived just as we were leaving, but whether this was by accident or by design, I'm not sure.