英语笑话 | 他会错过他的葬礼的


A woman inquiring about overnight service from New Jersey to California called the small package-carrier company where I work.

I assured her the package would arrive by morning and then asked about the contents. She said it contained her Uncle Albert’s ashes.
我向她保证包裹会在早上到达,然后询问里面的内容是什么。 她说里面装着她叔叔阿尔伯特的骨灰。

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” I said. “We don’t carry human remains.”
“对不起,女士,”我说。 “我们不运送人类遗骸。”

“Oh, but you have to!” she replied with urgency. “He’ll miss his funeral!”
“哦,但你不能不送!” 她急切地回答,“他会错过他的葬礼的!”