专业四级语法 | 非谓语动词的主要区别考点归纳


1. 不定式和动名词作句子的主语、宾语的区别:

a) 作主语时,不定式多指具体的、一次性的动作,动名词多泛指概念性动作,在意义上较为笼统和抽象,含普遍意味。比如:

  • To get there by bike will take us an hour.
  • Learning from others is important.

b) 有些动词要求不定式作宾语。比如:

afford, agree, aim, apply, arrange, cause, consent, dare, demand, desire, determine, endeavor, expect, fail, hesitate, learn, manage, offer, ought, plan, plot, prepare, presume, pretend, proceed, profess, refuse, resolve, strive, struggle, swear, threaten, tend, volunteer, undertake, wait, want等。

c) 有些动词后要求动名词作宾语。比如:

acknowledge, admit, adore, advise, advocate, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, complete, confess, consider, contemplate, defer, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, escape, evade, facilitate, fancy, favor, forbid, grudge, imagine, justify, mention, necessitate, postpone, prevent, quit, recall, recommend, renounce, regret, require, resent, resist, resume, risk, stand, suggest, tolerate, warrant等。

d) 在 can't bear, like, hate, prefer 等表示喜好的动词后,动名词表示一般倾向,不定式表示具体行为。比如:

  • I would like to go with him.
  • He really loves jogging before breakfast.

e) 在 bear, deserve, need, require, want 等动词后,动名词表示被动含义,不定式表示主动含义。比如:

  • We want to think it over.
  • This problem needs thinking about.

f) can not help but, rather than, sooner than, had better, other than 短语后接不带 to 的不定式。比如:

  • He said he'd sooner die than betray his friend.

g) 介词后一般使用动名词作宾语,不用不定式;但是在介词 but, except, save 后接不定式作宾语,同时,若前面有 do anything/nothing/everything 结构时,其后接不带 to 的不定式作宾语。比如:

  • He wanted nothing but to stay there.
  • They did nothing but complain.

2. 现在分词和过去分词作定语、状语的区别。主要考点为:

a) 现在分词的一般时表示主动的、正在进行的动作;过去分词的一般时表示被动的、已经完成的动作。分词短语作定语时,逻辑主语为它所修饰的名词;分词短语作状语时,逻辑主语必须和主句主语保持一致。比如:

  • There is not much work finished.
  • He stood by the window, reading a book.

b) 表示已经完成的主动的动作,使用现在分词的完成时。比如:

  • Having finished his homework, Tom went out to meet his friends.

c) 表示正在进行的被动的动作,使用现在分词的一般被动式。例如:

  • This is the question being discussed.

d) 表示已经完成的被动动作,既可以用现在分词的完成被动式,也可以用过去分词,但是前者只作状语,不可作定语,而后者作定语、状语均可。比如:

  • The stolen car was found by the police last week.
  • Having been praised a second time/Praised a second time, I decided to make still greater progress.

e) 当分词有独立主语(不同于主句主语的名词或代词)时,则是一种独立主格结构形式。比如:

  • The bell ringing, we all stopped talking.(=When the bell rang, we all stopped talking.)
  • There being no bus, we had to walk home.(=There was no bus, so we had to walk home.)

f) 现在分词 being 在独立主格结构中往往被省略。比如:

  • He came into the room,his face(being)red with cold.

3. 不定式和分词作句子的定语、状语的区别:

a) 动词不定式可以作目的状语,分词不可以。比如:

  • He got up at 6 a.m. to catch the earliest train.

b) 现在分词可以作结果状语,但是在 so...as to... 、 such...as to... 、 ...enough to... 等结构中需用不定式作结果状语。比如:

  • They all went out, leaving the 5-year-old Tom to stay at home alone.
  • He is not so silly as to do such thing.

c) 不定式 to find, to see, to learn 等通常表示意外的结果,前面可以加上 only 突出不愉快。比如:

  • He woke up, only to find himself in a dark room.

d) 分词短语可以作时间状语和伴随状语,不定式则不可以。比如:

  • They came out of the classroom, laughing and chatting.(伴随状语)
  • When asked to speak, he complained about the poor service.(时间状语)