
- Long-simmering tensions between China and Japan have pushed Japanese firms toward ASEAN.
——《经济学人》 - Escalating a long-simmering trade dispute with the West over solar panels, China plans to impose tariffs that could exceed 50 percent on a material it imports from the United States and South Korea to make the panels, its Ministry of Commerce announced on Thursday.
[verb] (of water or food) stay just below the boiling point while being heated
[动词] (指水或食物)加热时保持在略低于沸点
Simmer 是一个在 好书推荐 | 一本让你寒假弯道超车的单词书 一文中出现过的单词。该词比较好记,与熟词 summer 就隔第二个字母不同。
从词源上看,simmer 拟声而来,最早出现于17世纪中期,用来表示“用文火炖”或者说“煨”,即用小火温和而缓慢地煮,产生较少的蒸汽或气泡,使水或食物的温度保持在略低于沸点,比如:
- 加入蘑菇,并根据口味酌加调料。然后把蔬菜再炖几分钟。
Add the mushrooms, and season to taste. Then leave the vegetables to simmer for a few minutes.
等到了1764年后,从加热到略低于沸点这个概念出发, simmer 开始用来喻指“酝酿、积聚、即将爆发”,多指争吵、分歧、冲突或消极情绪等处于被压抑并在一段时间内慢慢变强的状态,最终会累积到随时爆发的程度,比如:
- 罢工已酝酿了数周。有好几种可能出现的局面。
The strike has been simmering for weeks. There are several possible scenarios.
这也可以用 simmer with sth 来表示“充满”某种强烈的感觉,尤其是难以控制的愤怒,比如:
- 这场看似无关紧要的会议之后她便心生怨恨,一直耿耿于怀。
She's been simmering with resentment ever since this seemingly banal meeting.
而到了1871年后,大概是从由煮沸转到文火慢炖这个概念出发, simmer 开始发展出短语动词 simmer down 表示相反含义指“平息下来、平静下来、冷静下来”,即愤怒或激动的情绪在一段时间之后变得平静下来,常作非正式用语使用,比如:
- 我见他非常暴躁。于是等他平静下来之后才去找他。
I saw him very chafe and fret at every pore. So I left him alone until he simmered down.
用作名词时, simmer 相应表示“文火炖、小火煨”以及“即将沸腾状态”。
We had delivered ourselves into the lap of my fat aunt's long-simmered wrath; with the single exception of Jamila, who was least affected owing to her long absences, we all ended up with our geese well and truly cooked.
出自印裔英国作家萨尔曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译萨尔曼·拉什迪)在1981年出版的长篇小说《午夜之子》(Midnight's Children)。
- seethe: (of a liquid) bubble up as a result of being boiled
- stew: (with reference to meat, fruit, or other food) cook or be cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan
- poach: cook by simmering in a small amount of liquid